Business We Believe In: Betty Clicker Photography

Get to know Kate Thompson, owner of Betty Clicker Photography!

Betty Clicker Wedding Photography bride touching veil and holding bouquet

My name is Kate. I was born near the white mountains of New Hampshire, grew up in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, had a few-year stint in Brooklyn, and have settled for the time being in Richmond, VA. My most recent blissful moment was standing atop a glacier lagoon in Iceland with my medium format film camera. My happiest place is around a table with wine, home-cooked food, friends and family in abundance.

Betty Clicker Wedding Photography couple running on sand dunes

I didn't set out to be a wedding photographer, but I discovered that I love to make photographs that tell stories and show true love. I am pulled to the art that exists in genuine interactions without excessive styling or direction, and strive to show the beauty of minimalism, simplicity, and human expression. My priority is to listen and let personalities guide my portraiture. I want to visually describe the realness of people, quirks and all. I tirelessly search for ways to create soulful images with attention to atmosphere, composition, and design. Imagine years from a wedding when photographs are the tangible memories used to share stories with friends and family. The photos I make are intended to reach out and hug you, to evoke emotion and encourage reflection on the passing of time.

Betty Clicker Wedding Photography groom seeing bride

If you like what you see, check out more photos from Betty Clicker on the website!