The Queen Photographers // Photo of the Week: Black Excellence

Photo by Queen Photographers Hope Ballenger Photographer

Name: Hope Ballenger

Business Name: Hope Ballenger Photography

City: Atlanta, Georgia

Instagram: @hopeballengerphotography

My clients are a real power couple. They are dream clients — successful, stylish and confident. When they arrived for their session, I was blown away by their attire. I immediately thought they looked red carpet ready. So when I saw the red carpet at the location, which isn't normally there, I knew it was fate. It was perfect.

I try to show my clients' style and personality in my images. I believe this photo does that. It represents black excellence and black love, two things that aren't really shown in main stream media.

One of the things I think of when I think of the Queen Photographers is black excellence. I love our community and everything it offers.

The Queen Photographers


The Queen Photographers is a national organization and community for women of color photographers. The mission of the Queen Photographers is to equip each other in business, cultivating savvy business owners, while building a supportive sisterhood. Each local chapter of The Queen Photographers meets monthly for in-person masterminds, photowalks, workshops, and fellowship.