Woke Wednesday // Meet Cindy Savage of Aisle Less Traveled

Woke Wednesday // Meet Cindy Savage of Aisle Less Traveled

Liz: Would you tell us a bit about what the coming out process was like for you?

Cindy: Yeah. It was horrible from one side and totally great from the other. So: good stuff first. During that first relationship, my best friend had come to visit and totally called me out on what was going on. So she was the first person who knew. And honestly, she knew before that, I'm sure, as I know we'd had some theoretical conversations about it, in which I'd said I could easily imagine being with a woman. I wasn't really worried about acceptance among her, or really any of my friends; it was more that I'd been keeping this secret at the behest of my ex, and now a year and a half in, it felt shitty to have waited so long to tell anyone. I told her, and two or three other people in our tiny theatre department also knew, since I'd needed an occasional confidant. But I started making a concerted effort (mostly via AIM, laughs) to tell my other friends, and every single one of them was instantly supportive. Which was awesome.

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Real Couples // Restored Firehouse Chicago Wedding: Jami + Kerri

Real Couples // Restored Firehouse Chicago Wedding: Jami + Kerri

Jami and Keri's wedding took place on October 7th at Firehouse Chicago, one of my all time favorite U.S. wedding venues in the quaint neighborhood of Andersonville. Jami’s pale blue and lace wedding dress was handmade. Kerri wore a dapper suit from J. Crew with a handsome bow tie and boutonniere. Hillary Bullock officiated their outdoor ceremony under the ivy where Jami walked down the staircase to meet Kerri and a knot tying ceremony was included to signify their union. 

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