Real Couples // An Unbreakable Love: Aileen + Tyrone + Maya

Real Couples // An Unbreakable Love: Aileen + Tyrone + Maya

Aileen and Tyrone are a beautiful couple with amazing chemistry! They met at a party for a mutual friend just before Christmas 2007, and they ended up talking until 2 a.m. After dating for a few months, they just knew. They enjoy wine adventures, summer movies, soccer, and getting into all kinds of shenanigans with their friends. They've been together though many job changes, getting a graduate degree, and the purchase of their first home. Their daughter, Maya Hope, is full of energy, hilarious, and delightfully assertive. Along with her joyous giggles and sweet cuddles, Maya has given Aileen and Tyrone new things to appreciate about one another.

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