Real Couples // An Unbreakable Love: Aileen + Tyrone + Maya

Real Couples // An Unbreakable Love: Aileen + Tyrone + Maya

Aileen and Tyrone are a beautiful couple with amazing chemistry! They met at a party for a mutual friend just before Christmas 2007, and they ended up talking until 2 a.m. After dating for a few months, they just knew. They enjoy wine adventures, summer movies, soccer, and getting into all kinds of shenanigans with their friends. They've been together though many job changes, getting a graduate degree, and the purchase of their first home. Their daughter, Maya Hope, is full of energy, hilarious, and delightfully assertive. Along with her joyous giggles and sweet cuddles, Maya has given Aileen and Tyrone new things to appreciate about one another.

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Real Couples // A Washington, DC Affair: Diana+Monroe

Real Couples // A Washington, DC Affair: Diana+Monroe

From a photographer's perspective, most weddings are fairly difficult, both mentally and physically, and we're usually completely exhausted at the end of the day. However, Diana and Monroe proved to us that weddings can be easy. Though their wedding day started early (8am) and we had a wedding the night before (something we never do), we happily and effortlessly cruised through their day while they smiled, laughed, and celebrated with a very intimate crowd of about 25. The shared exchanges of joy were endless, the weather was perfect, and their day ran like a well-oiled machine thanks to the team of Taylor and Hov.

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Real Couples // A Sweet D.C. Engagement: Brigid + Cara

Real Couples // A Sweet D.C. Engagement: Brigid + Cara

This beautiful Saturday, a chill was in the air, but even more... love was in the air! I was delighted this past spring when Brigid contacted me from Orange County to say that she and Cara (who's from the DC area) were getting married in DC next spring, and would I be their wedding photographer? Heck yes!

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Planning a Nontraditional Wedding with Traditional Families

Planning a Nontraditional Wedding with Traditional Families

Back in 2010 when I planned my wedding, most of the things I wanted (bridesmaids in any black dress, no assigned seating at the reception, groomsmen in chucks, and a short wedding dress with *gasp* no veil) seemed pretty nontraditional. Wedding blogs were just getting started and Pinterest wasn’t even a glimmer in the internet’s eye. So I clung to my Microsoft Word collage of images and ideas every time I had to brave the storm of trying to explain to my mostly traditional parents why I wanted these things in our wedding. 

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