50 Moments of Pure Queer Joy

50 Moments of Pure Queer Joy

This pride month is especially meaningful, as we mark the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising which brought visibility to LGBTQ+ issues and the community’s struggle for equal rights. We still face a great deal of discrimination in this world, but no one can dampen the light of love shone from these couples. To honor the sacrifice of every one who has helped the community reach this point, we are highlighting 50 moments of pure queer love and joy from past Catalyst couples. Thank you for sharing your love and light with us and the world!

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Real Families // A Long Awaited Love: Roxann + Trey + Lark

Real Families // A Long Awaited Love: Roxann + Trey + Lark

Roxann and Trey have traveled in the same orbit since they were 18 years old, their lives circling around each other and convening at certain points. When tragedy struck they got closer, but it just was not the right time yet. Through relationship after relationship, they stayed in each other's orbit being that shoulder for each other but declaring nothing because the orbit was just not perfect. After a decade of love, support, and caring it all finally clicked, and they knew the other was their person. Seeing them together, it's obvious that even though it took a while to get to this point, it was the exact perfect point for them both. They are already a family, and their wedding in June of this year will just solidify what was known by all.

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Real Couples // A Long Time in the Making: Jennifer + Quinton

Real Couples // A Long Time in the Making: Jennifer + Quinton

Jennifer and Quinton's love story is that was a long time coming. In eighth grade he fell for her quickly; she took some time. They dated for a brief period before she called it off. He stuck by her, being a great friend and over the years, as these stories tend to evolve, she, as he says it, finally got it right! Their wedding was a celebration of not just a love story a long time in the making but a blending of families and friendships. Each person involved in the wedding, from the vendors to the wedding party, were people who had a place of significance in each of their lives and in the story of their love. From getting ready until they said "goodnight," it was not just about Jennifer and Quinton, but about family.

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Real Couples // Reception-First Backyard Wedding: Stephanie + Felipe

Real Couples // Reception-First Backyard Wedding: Stephanie + Felipe

Stephanie and Felipe's wedding was an extension of their relationship and their community. They opted to mix things up a bit and do the reception before the ceremony which was a first for me (and hopefully not the last). People got a chance to mingle and catch up, sharing drinks, a great meal, and a lot of laughs. The setting, Stephanie's family backyard, was absolutely perfect and just captured the intimacy, and spirit of this weekend. Stephanie wore a skirt that she loved and turned it into a dress wearing a belt she and her mother made specially for the day. Her mom even hand embroidered napkins for the guests and they were gorgeous. When the ceremony started it seemed like the most natural thing to watch and be part of this day with these two. Words of encouragement were shared by the family and Stephanie sang a song to Felipe, I don't think there was a dry eye there, I know mine were a little damp at one point during the day. The night ended with dancing and time together, no huge send off, just a, "See you tomorrow at brunch." The weekend ended with a brunch at a local vineyard and as with the theme for the weekend you knew this couple wanted this to be as much about everyone else as it was about this new part of their journey together.

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