50 Moments of Pure Queer Joy

50 Moments of Pure Queer Joy

This pride month is especially meaningful, as we mark the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising which brought visibility to LGBTQ+ issues and the community’s struggle for equal rights. We still face a great deal of discrimination in this world, but no one can dampen the light of love shone from these couples. To honor the sacrifice of every one who has helped the community reach this point, we are highlighting 50 moments of pure queer love and joy from past Catalyst couples. Thank you for sharing your love and light with us and the world!

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Real Couples // High School Sweethearts & Best Friends: Erika + KaShawn

Real Couples // High School Sweethearts & Best Friends: Erika + KaShawn

"So KaShawn and I met when he was just a freshman and I was just a junior, in high school. It started as a usual high school relationship but the longer we lasted...the more I realized that this was different. We are going on four years in April, which will be the longest we've ever been in a relationship point blank period. Growing up, the awkward stages in high school, and going through real life adult struggles with him wasn't what I expected at all, but I'm so glad it turned out to be him. He turned me back to God, changed my life completely... We're literally the best of friends, and I couldn't see it any other way. We know all of our weaknesses and strengths, but we are definitely still learning a lot about each other. He brings out the absolute best in me, and he's the best he can be. It's imperfectly perfect." 

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Real Couples // Basketball Star & Cheerleader Love Story: Jasmine + Jasmine

Real Couples // Basketball Star & Cheerleader Love Story: Jasmine + Jasmine

I've never believed in love in first sight until I saw her. You know that butterfly-in-your-stomach, hair-standing-on-the-back-of-your-neck feel? We met in high school while she played basketball, and I was a cheerleader. I couldn't keep my eyes off her during basketball games. It went on for years, and I just couldn't find the words to tell her how I felt until years later. I woke up one day and said I'm going to finally let her know how I feel.

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