60th Wedding Anniversary Shoot in New Jersey: George + Ginger

60th Wedding Anniversary Shoot in New Jersey: George + Ginger

This shoot promotes love in all it's stages! You don't often see older couples displayed on wedding blogs, and when you see love that has held on strong for 60 years, it's refreshing and inspiring.

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Real Couples // Barcelona Love Story: Jose + Toni

Real Couples // Barcelona Love Story: Jose + Toni

"We met on a night when we went out with friends we had in common. Several nights later, on February 8th, Toni's birthday, my friends made a surprise dinner, and Jose was there, too. It was a crush at first sight, as if Cupido, the God of love, united us with his arrow of love. We are still in love! After 10 years together!"

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Real Couples // Basketball Star & Cheerleader Love Story: Jasmine + Jasmine

Real Couples // Basketball Star & Cheerleader Love Story: Jasmine + Jasmine

I've never believed in love in first sight until I saw her. You know that butterfly-in-your-stomach, hair-standing-on-the-back-of-your-neck feel? We met in high school while she played basketball, and I was a cheerleader. I couldn't keep my eyes off her during basketball games. It went on for years, and I just couldn't find the words to tell her how I felt until years later. I woke up one day and said I'm going to finally let her know how I feel.

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Real Couples // Thirty-Years-Coming At-Home Wedding: Annie + Janice

Real Couples // Thirty-Years-Coming At-Home Wedding: Annie + Janice

In the late 1970s, in Santa Cruz, California, Annie and Janice met and realized that they enjoyed each other's company so much that they should give living together a chance. Thirty years later, at their home in Maryland, they celebrated their marriage with family, neighbors, and life-long friends. They believe that the strength of their relationship comes from mutual respect for each other's creativity, the ability to enjoy being alone, and of course, the joy of a profound love that comes along once in a lifetime.

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Real Couples // Dark Wave Anniversary Photos: The Poes

Real Couples // Dark Wave Anniversary Photos: The Poes

The Poes are one badass, game-changing couple: she a Surgical Trauma nurse by night and he a University professor of Social Justice by day and goth DJ by night. Their life breathes an unconventional yet genuine aesthetic, remaining 110% true to themselves in everything they do and create in their world together. So naturally for their anniversary shoot they chose some pretty off-beat locations that were meaningful to the Poes if no one else; starting with an abandoned racetrack and ending inside of and on top of the warehouse they used to reside in. This power couple's love remains deep, inspiring and undying.

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